Reflections: Only when I pray
10 - Lead me not into temptations arms
Only when I pray is a short series of thought-provoking reflections based loosely around the theme of prayer as found in Luke 11:1-13.
Oscar Wilde famously once said: “I can resist anything except temptation.” Keep that in mind as we work through today’s reflection.
Today’s reading is from: Proverbs 4:14-15. As you read it, you may want to think about something that tempts you. Let’s see in a moment what God wants to reveal to us.
Don’t take the path of evil people. Don’t live the way sinners do. Stay away from their path and don’t travel on it. Turn away from it and go on your way. NIRV
Don’t do as the wicked do. Avoid their haunts - turn away and go somewhere else. The Living Bible
The first five chapters of Proverbs in particular warn against sexual immorality, theft, greed, laziness, use of alcohol, gambling and aligning ourselves or getting involved with the wrong company and all things wicked and shameful – it even warns us against ill-gotten wealth! In fact, the whole of Proverbs warns of the consequences of complacency and temptation and advises us to choose wisely each decision we make instead.
Listen now to today’s song, Lead me not into temptation’s arms.
If you wonder what I meant by using the phrase temptations arms it was because of an image I had of a welcoming embrace – arms opened wide to welcome, embrace, enfold and offer security. It is a beautiful image when used in a positive way. However, open arms may also be a subtle disguise of temptation, welcoming us toward something seemingly innocent that is fun, attractive, enjoyable, even comforting, but which could lead on to something more sinister. Temptation is not the problem itself – rather yielding to it is the problem. But staying away from temptation is the wisest choice of all. Don’t go where you know temptation waits.
Throughout Proverbs we are warned, “stray not onto that path.” If we are tempted to get involved with or do something we shouldn’t, then this example from Proverbs 5:8-14 spells out the implications in some detail:
You don’t want to squander your wonderful life, to waste your precious life among the hard-hearted. Why should you allow strangers to take advantage of you? Why be exploited by those who care nothing for you? You don’t want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones, Saying, “Oh, why didn’t I do what they told me? Why did I reject a disciplined life? Why didn’t I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously? My life is ruined! I haven’t one blessed thing to show for my life! The Message
These are strong words – but whether it’s alcohol, shopping, eating, online pornography, a gambling app, drugs, a TV programme or anything else, there are countless temptations with strangers who will take advantage and exploit us who are only too happy to take our cash for their gain without any regard for us. Stay away from temptations you have yielded to before!
Verse 1 of today’s song is quite striking: Lead me not along the path I see ahead that leads me to be tempted, but keep me true and close to You. Guide my feet on paths of virtue, far away from rocky places where I know the way is far from certain. It’s got to take a focussed heart to see beyond the things that part me from the things I know I should ignore.
Let me be clear, temptation is not the sin; but yielding may be. Temptation is a familiar path and yielding is taking the first step along that path; but if something draws us to that path, better to avoid it.
Temptation mentioned in The Lord’s Prayer, as found in Luke 11:4b simply says, Lead us not into temptation - it doesn’t say, help us not to yield to temptation. It lets us know we should not be in that place where we can be tempted in the first instance, because we yield only after we have been tempted. Therefore, lead us not into temptation!
Temptation leads to yielding, if yielding regularly it may lead to addiction, addiction will lead us (and those around us) to times and places of despair and pain. Who wants that? Temptation is the first step on a dangerous path.
Scripture is very clear; God provides us with an escape route. Any time we are tempted, He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure. Now, that is reassuring. We have the ability - in God’s strength not in our own - to overcome temptation should we find ourselves face-to-face with it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it. The Message
Easier said than done, but the word of God is reliable – if it’s in there, you can depend on it and if you ever find yourself “wobbling” a bit, whatever form that takes, remember these two bits of advice from scripture:
1 - Lead us not into temptation, i.e. don’t get yourself in an awkward position of being tempted in the first place.
2 – But if you do, He’ll never let you be pushed past your limit.
So, may our prayer today be; Lead me not into temptations arms.