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At Home In Advent

The following words for reflection are taken and adapted from “At Home In Advent - A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany” from Gordon Giles (BRF - Bible Reading Fellowship). The entire book is available from and would be recommended to get a fuller experience of this time of devotion and meditation.

The purpose of these devotional is to give you something of an everyday object or motion which can focus our thinking through Advent. There are 3 sections:

  • Travelling in Advent
  • At Home in Advent
  • The run up to Christmas

This is a journey…

Queue: Waiting for the Lord

Read: 2 Peter 3:8 - 15

Would you ever describe yourself as a patient person? I suppose, like most of us, the answer would be ‘depends’! Over these pandemics weeks and months we have had to learn a new patience.

Whenever things started back in March and we found ourselves queuing for everything most people had the patience to wait as it seemed the polite thing to do… However as time passed the patience wore thin. I remember standing outside Tesco at some stupid time in the morning just to get further up in the queue before it opened to get the week’s shopping in… But we waited as that was the right thing to do. Now with the freedom we have people are climbing over each other to get their necessary items like Ferrero Rocher…

Advent is about waiting on God, awaiting the return of Jesus when He comes in full glory. But how do we do it in a society that shows itself to be about speed and instant gratification? Peter reminds us to wait, and to wait patiently. This will count as salvation, to wait on the Lord. Don’t fret about which line you are standing in is going faster, just make sure your line is going to the right check-out.

How often are you tempted to switch lines because the other looks faster?

Are you in a place of patience where you can wait on the Lord? What can He do to help you?

Pray for those who are waiting today… waiting for medical results; for news of a transplant; waiting to get discharged with a clean bill of health