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At Home In Advent

The following words for reflection are taken and adapted from “At Home In Advent - A domestic journey from Advent to Epiphany” from Gordon Giles (BRF - Bible Reading Fellowship). The entire book is available from and would be recommended to get a fuller experience of this time of devotion and meditation.

The purpose of these devotional is to give you something of an everyday object or motion which can focus our thinking through Advent. There are 3 sections:

  • Travelling in Advent
  • At Home in Advent
  • The run up to Christmas

This is a journey…

Motorway: Changing lanes

Read: Nahum 2:4 - 9

Even in the midst of lockdowns and restrictions we still travel on our motorways. Motorways have separate lanes with traffic moving at different speeds… although some people try to weave in and out of the lanes… do you find this annoying and dangerous?

However, maybe we do it ourselves…

Do we want to travel the slower lane of contemplation, focusing on the incarnation, meditating on the returning Saviour…

Or do we want to be in the fast lane rushing about getting in all you want.

Maybe we need to pick a lane and relax and wait. The chariots have dashed about too long, maybe it is time to move into the slow lane and listen…

Do you feel pressured on a motorway from a driver behind you? Do you speed up or move over?

Do you feel pressured by other forces (advertising, social conventions, etc) during this time of year?

Speed up or move into the slow lane?

Pray for safety for all who travel on motorways today